Monday, 22 February 2016

Scout Fluff

The Red Hands scout squad are a group of elite scouts. Each member is a Sergeant in his own right. So lets start with the leader of the squad:

Veteran Sergeant Matteus.
Veteran Sergeant Matteus has been honoured many times for his service to the Obsidian Wings chapter. Most notably, were his actions that lead to the capture of one of the Fallen, on the feral world of Enkidu, having personally silenced the fallen angel's retinue, he cleared the way for the Terminators of the inner circle to capture the foul traitor. He has turned down positions within various companies, including an appointment to the vaulted 1st company, in order to continue leading the 10th Company. 

Brother Sergeant Danius
Brother Sergeant Danius has been with the Red Hands since just prior to the Enkidu campaign, his service record has recorded 51 confirmed kills; 20 of which were traitor marines, 11 Eldar raiders, 15 Tyranids, and 5 Ork Nobz. 

Brother Sergeant Tartus
Brother Sergeant Tartus has been with the Red Hands since the time of the Second Tyrannic war, he distinguished himself by single handedly slaying a carnifex prior to the extraction of the chapter from the world of Sotha as they were providing aid to the Scythes of the Emperor Chapter.

Brother Sergeant Boreas
Brother Sergeant Boreas is the newest member of the Red Hands. His marksmanship is what set him apart from the rest of his peers in the 10th company. 

Brother Sergeant Tanis
Brother Sergeant Tanis is the second in command within the Red Hands, having aided Veteran Sergeant Matteus in the capture of a Fallen Angel on Enkidu. He has distinguished himself many times through the years, once killing 2 Ork boyz with one shot.

Brother Sergeant Crantz
Being the only heavy weapons specialist within the Red Hands, Brother Sergeant Crantz has been tasked with training the neophyte scouts in the art of heavy weapons, and demolitions.

Scouts, pt 2

I finished the scout squad today. I was going to finish them up yesterday; but I was feeling crappy, and unmotivated, so it didn't happen. However, here they are.

Just a few fiddly bits to go.
So, I have the models mostly painted, all that is left are the fiddly bits, such as the visors, boots, and random bits. Thus far, I think they are turning out rather well.

So, here are all the models finished. I can't wait to field them. 

I am really happy with how the cloaks turned out; the basic camo pattern that I tried looks somewhat realistic I think.

Close up of the Sgt.
Finally, the Sgt. for the squad. 

I may type out the back story for these guys at some point. I don't know. Really it depends on how well these models are received.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Scouts, pt 1.

I have started building the scout squad, I am going to add pictures of most of the stages below.

Unboxed and ready for glue
The bits are out of the box. At this point I remembered that I had a pair of legs that would work for the extra torso, and since there are 6 of pretty well everything, I decided to use the rocket launcher as well. Because, why not?

Mostly glued
Here is all six of the scouts mostly glued together, I left most of the rifles off so I could basecoat the full torso. originally I was going to paint the Aquilas as well, however I decided to leave them black. This is a stealth squad, so I am going to keep them as matte as I can.

Base coated.
I finished the Base coat, and worked on a camo type design for the cloaks using Dark Angels green, a really watery Catachan green, Scorched brown and Snakebite Leather. I think it turned out okay. This is where I decided to call it a night for painting them. Tomorrow during the day, I will work on any touch ups I need to do, and painting the guns. I was thinking Leadbealcher for the barrels, however I have not decided what I am going to use for the silencer. I also need to do the flesh for the facesand the visors. 

If you have any suggestions for these guys, leave a comment below.

Oh, and here is a picture of the best cocked die I have ever rolled.
Balanced on the corner.


So; I had fun. I didn't have the worst luck, but I didn't place. I won one out of three games. The first was a close one verses Space Wolves, I lost by 2 points. The Dice gods did not smile upon me, save for a squad of veterans that made quite a few saves. The second was embarrassing; I got my face handed to me by Sisters of battle with White Scars and Blood Angels. Drop pods for days. I got to the relic, and got murdered. I got 1 secondary and 1 tertiary objective. The last was against a KDK list. The player was inexperienced, but played well; Though, that is where my dreadnoughts really shined through Taking out a Chaos Knight Paladin Between the first turn shooting phase, and my next overwatch phase. Dealing a Penetrating hit that exploded; plus the 3 extra hp lost from the extra D3, By the end of my shooting phase, it was down to 1 HP, I let it charge me the next turn, as I stood no chance in Melee, and I knew I would have more chance with overwatch at full BS. The Next turn they charged, and I took the last hp with a lascannon. I didn't win anything, But I got to drop a big robot. With that kill, they paid for themselves, as the Knight was 375 points.

I need drop pods. Like 6 of them. All in all it was an awesome day. I got some great games in, had fun, and got to see some new armies. I need to get Grav weapons. I want to build a set of Grav devastators. Though, I picked up a scout squad that I think I am going to document my build, and maybe painting, for my next post.

Another tourny.

So, I have another tournament today. 1850; this time I am bringing my Dark angels successor chapter, The Obsidian Wings. The list is as follows:

Lions Blade Strike Force
Battle Demi-Company
Company Master with Combi plas and Power Sword
Command squad With a champion and an apothecary in a rhino
Vet squad With 1 power sword, 1 power axe, 1 power maul, 2 chain swords, and 2 combat shields
3 Tactical Squads, 2 with plasma gun/plasma cannon both in Rhinos, 1 with Missile launcher and flamer on foot.
Dreadnought squad of 3 one with TL Las, one with multi melta, one with ass cannon.
Assault squad
Devastator squad with 4 missile launchers with Flakk
10th Company Support
5 man scout squad with sniper rifles and camo cloaks.

Hopefully this list performs well, Having Ob Sec on everything but my scouts will be nice, as will the Full BS overwatch.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Building a building.

So, After watching a crap-load of terrain making videos, I decided to try my hand at it. The results are contained here. I have since stalled out on finishing the project; I just have to add some texture to the ground, and paint the heavy bolter that is going to be in one of the windows. The roof is not glued in, allowing you to actually put models in the building. That said, it is a tight fit. The next time I do this type of project, I think I will shave the roof down a bit so that it is easier to remove/replace. Hindsight is 20-bloody-20.

The paint job was quick and dirty, I was attempting to go for a stone/cement look, and while I don't think I succeeded with that, I think it looks okay.

What are your thoughts?

Friday, 5 February 2016

"Tournament" results

So, the tourney I went to on the 30th was one in the loosest sense of the word. I only got two fights in, the first was against Space Marines [I forget what chapter] with an anti-psyker assassin, that match ended in a draw as my opponent had to go by turn 4. One more turn and I would have won the game. The second game was a loss as I was facing Tyranids who had a LOT of warp charge and proceeded to shut down my summoning early. On the 20th, I have another tournament that is a paid one; I think I am going to bring my Dark Angels. I still have to figure out what my list will be.

So, I am trying to be more active here, so please forgive the lack of actual substance in my posts.